David Romans - Data and Analytics Manager

David Romans

David Romans, Ph.D. is the Director of Public Relations and Data Analytics for Affinity Advisory Network. David has earned multiple degrees in engineering and spent eight years on a Research & Development team tasked with developing alternative power generation technologies at one of the world’s most advanced coal-based research centers.

He also worked in the medical industry, assisting surgical teams throughout New England and the Midwest with applying and developing advanced surgical navigation technologies and techniques. David has been with Affinity Advisory Network for almost a decade. He is licensed in the insurance industry, a National Care Planning Council member, and accredited by Veterans Affairs.

David has educated over 10,000 people in ca. 850 seminars. Through this experience, he has not only been able to provide the assistance people need to make informed estate planning decisions but has also analyzed the data from these events and has created best practices and measurable metrics that have proved effective for others emulating our system across the US. He also manages the company’s CRM, routinely provides training on various topics, assists veterans at no charge, and participates as necessary in numerous company-wide initiatives to ensure we’re providing the best-in-class support and service for our clients.

David has been married to his high school sweetheart for almost 30 years. They reside in North Canton, OH, and cherish three wonderful kids: Nathanael, Faith, and Joshua.